Welcome to the Association for Research in the Voluntary and Community Sector (ARVAC) website.  

ARVAC was founded in 1978 as a network for researchers in the voluntary and community sector. It now provides information and training in research for and about the community sector.

We are a membership organisation and invite any researchers or practitioners from academia, the public sector and importantly, from the community sector to join. Membership is free.


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Tweets from ARVAC

Do Share our Annual Lecture. Online 10th September 10-1pm @CLESthinkdo @ElephantsTrail @Rethinking_Webb @NCVO @ESRC @ApleCollective @IVAR_UK

The #VCQA is a quality accreditation that helps volunteer centres assess, promote & develop their work. It ensures that local communities have access to high quality volunteer centre support.

Find out why organisations should undertake the VCQA:

We are very proud to let you know that we have been shortlisted for Co-Production Initiative of the Year at the nasen Awards 2024 for our work on a project co-producing improved access to ear checks for children and young people who are autistic and/or have a learning disability.

Not sure how to run volunteer recruitment or find the volunteers you need?

Check out our simple four-step guide: https://www.ncvo.org.uk/help-and-guidance/involving-volunteers/recruiting-and-welcoming-volunteers/recruiting-volunteers/#/

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